Tuesday, September 08, 2009

If I knew you were coming I'd a baked a cake...

I just started taking a cake decorating class through Michael's. Its the Wilton Method of cake decorating which I'm sure that isn't super fancy but its been a lot of fun. Our first class we talked about making icing and then also discussed how you ice a cake. So the picture quality isn't great but this is my first cake that I made for class. We learned how to do borders using the star tip and also writing on the cake. I didn't write on the cake but I did practice writing. I'm not super good at that yet. I'm really looking forward to the last 2 classes and then I think I'm going to try the other courses.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Violet is 6 months

Originally uploaded by SpamanthaB
I don't have a lot of time with work to update as much as I'd like but here's a picture of our family!